One day, Buddha was passing by a village with his disciples—a village where opponents of Buddhism lived…

One day, Buddha was passing by a village with his disciples—a village where opponents of Buddhism lived. A group of his adversaries gathered and began to insult Buddha angrily and maliciously. He listened very calmly and silently.

Because of his calm demeanor, they started to feel uneasy. They were hurling insults at a man who seemed to hear their abuse as if it were music. Something was off.

One of them approached Buddha and asked:

— What’s the matter? Don’t you understand what we’re saying about you?

— It is precisely because I understand that such deep silence is possible, — Buddha replied. — Had you come to me ten years ago, I would have attacked you. Back then, I lacked understanding; but now I do understand. I won’t punish myself because of your foolishness. It’s your choice whether to insult me or not, but accepting your insults or not—that is my freedom. You cannot force your insults upon me. I simply refuse to accept them; they aren’t worth it.

And now, my disciples will beat the crap out of you!